Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Drama After Dark - Poe & Gorey at The Huntington

Well, it's my 6th year producing, directing, and acting in this event, and it just keeps getting better every year!

We're adding two new pieces this year - Poe's The Imp Of The Perverse, and Gorey's The Dwindling Party.

Should be a fun year! Get your tickets soon before we sell out!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


This is perhaps one of the most important films everyone should see. As important as Schindler's List and American History X.

It's also one of the most beautiful.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Apple TV rocks!

Haven't been much in the mood to blog lately... lots of other REAL LIFE stuff going on..... (like getting a new bionic ASS....)

Not much on the TV right now, well... other than my July CRACKTV: Le Tour de France. Yes, I'm a geek. I love it. Used to get up at the crack of dawn and watch it live, but this year, with all the ridiculous politics of not allowing Astana to compete, and the UCI pulling out, I TIVO and watch it when I get home.

Back to regular TV..... so... first season of LOST, I was IN. Then other LIFE things happened, I was trying to keep up on the VCR, (back BT - Before Tivo), but missed one or two episodes then suddenly Locke's in a WHEELCHAIR????? WTF??? So I opted to view like I did the Shield: Get the DVD set, and watch it all in a week.

This worked perfectly until this April when I watched season 3 and got sucked in more than usual. Realizing my choice of watching season 4 on DVD was to wait until the end of the year, I chose to run out and get Apple TV and download the entire season from iTunes and watch it NOW.

I also now have both seasons 1 & 2 of ROME (watching AGAIN now - LOVE THAT SERIES), and The Shield 6 (next up.)

Friday, April 11, 2008

BSG Returns


Love this show. I am already going thru withdrawal since this is the last season..... "There are twelve cylons that we know of." hmmmmmmmm

On a sadder note.... Michael Johns off AI? He has just been Daughtryized. Good for him. I will miss him on the show... but it's most likely the best thing ever for his career. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I am addicted to AI... which is embarassing.

I was very proud to be one of the few who had not been sucked into the opiate of the masses better known as American Idol. That was until one night on a break from helping Tommy set up a sound studio we channel surfed to it while shoving food into our mouths. Instantly we were indoctrinated into the train wreck that is the audition process. That was season 5 and it was Chris Daughtry who hooked me.

It's now season 7, and I am part of an email circle that critiques the performances every week. There are five of us, one of which is a very close friend of mine who, during the week of the top 20 declared, "We are all so gay. If we all lived in the same city, we would be having Idol parties. We SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GAY!  I just called you gay.

This is hilarious because he is gay. So, it must be true. I asked him later if there was a card I could have that said Tally Briggs - AI GAY

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The basics about me.....

Well.... once upon a time this had cool links to my acting work, and cool photos of Shakespeare in the Park... but geocities is gone, so this post is useless.

So here is My IMDB page (also useless), which I will eventually throw some $$ at so I can put up a photo.

I really should do my own website again.....

Wish there was a ITDB for theatre work that wasn't restricted to Broadway. But no one cares about theatre....